Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Dynamics AX 2012 : Getting started with tracing

Install the trace parser
1. Go to where you get your daily builds and look in the retail\cd\msi\TraceParser folder
2. Double click onDynamics AX Trace Parser (Quick Trace tool the TraceParser.msi and be agreeable during the install

\\dyn\ax\build\main\<current build>\Retail\CD\msi\TraceParser\TraceParser.msi
\\dcsredfsa\red-ax-core-blds\main\<current build>\Retail\CD\msi\TraceParser\TraceParser.msi
\\dcsvedrep01\Builds\main\<current build>\Retail\CD\msi\TraceParser\TraceParser.msi
\\dcsidcgmasa01\hyd-ax-core-blds\main\<current build>\Retail\CD\msi\TraceParser\TraceParser.msi
Note that you do not need to reinstall each time you move builds. As long as you’re within a couple hundred build numbers of the current version the trace parser usually works.
Capture a trace
1. Launch your client as 'Administrator' by right clicking and perform the action you want to trace once without tracing on (to warm up the caches)
2. Open a developer workspace by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+W
3. Access the Tracing Cockpit through Tools->Development Tools->Tracing Cockpit
4. Review the Events tab for selected events and maximum file size
5. Click "Start Tracing" and specify a full path and name for the file.
6. Perform your scenario.
7. Click "Stop Tracing"

Alternative: Capture a trace via Perfmon (important if you want to profile startup)
1. Save the template file locally (click on link or copy from \\axperformance\lab\TracingTemplate\DynamicsAxTracing.xml)
2. Open perfmon
3. Expand 'Data Collector Sets'
4. Right-click 'User Defined' and select New->Data Collector Set
5. Give it a name such as 'Dynamics Ax Tracing' and leave 'Create from template' checked.
6. Click on 'Browse' and select the template file.
7. Specify a directory to save to.
8. Click Finish
9. Select the name that you have given in the left hand tree, and click on the Play button in the toolbar.
10. Perform  your scenario.
11. Click on the Stop button in the toolbar.

Analyze the trace
Dynamics AX Trace Parser (Quick Trace tooll)

If it doesn’t work - Make sure you have enough hard drive space to hold the trace.

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